To listen or not to listen...

Music & podcasts have many benefits alongside working out- they provide motivation, distraction, fun, and for some it’s the only time they can catch up on a podcast or audiobook alone! But is there a point where it has a negative impact?

Many races ban headphones, so, regardless of what you do in training it’s a good idea to occasionally go without, and get used to the mental challenge of effort without distraction.

Some studies have shown that music can delay our perception of fatigue, allowing us to push a little farther, faster, longer. We’ve all had moments where headphones die during a long run or race and it can feel like the wind was sucked out of you for a few minutes…the opposite applies, too! Sometimes waiting to turn on the tunes can turn a sloggy run around.

The key is not to turn the noise into a crutch. Get used to the sound of your feet hitting the pavement and your breath striking a rhythm alongside it. Take in the sounds outside and find those mental mantras that keep you moving without your favorite pump up song. This can create a space for true focus, and narrowing in on form when there’s no distractions will make sure you hold to it.

On the other side, when you need a little push on that run or you’re at a point where *something* has to get you through that workout, tune in! Alternate podcasts, audiobooks and music depending on the workout. Find something that excites you and keeps you going!

Whenever you choose music on a run, make sure you keep safety in mind first. If you’re running alone, in the dark, in a busy area with a lot of traffic or even on a trail with some wildlife - be sure that you aren’t so tuned in that you aren’t aware of your surroundings. Consider turning off noise canceling features or having one earphone in, one out. Keeping yourself safe is priority one, even if it means keeping the tunes at home for the day!

Do you run with music or without?