How to master the run 👊🏼

Easier said than done, right? Running can be a tough sport, even though it seems like the simplest of all three to get started in, because you really just have to…run.

But to get it right, to continue to progress, and to keep the workouts versatile and fun, there are a few keys to running well.

🐌 🐢 SLOW DOWN! We rarely meet a runner we haven’t told to slow down. Yes, you MUST slow down to go fast. Keeping easy runs truly easy and hard runs hard is a big mental hurdle that we all face. Every athlete’s easy pace is a bit different as far as your range from “10k” or “5k” pace, but generally if you can hold a full sentence conversation during your easy runs, you’re probably doing it right. (This is where running with friends can be a benefit!)

🆙 PICK UP! Your cadence, that is. Longer ground contact = more risk of injury. Taking quicker steps & inching that cadence closer and closer to the 180 RPM range will pay off. If you’re working on increasing cadence, it’ll take a bit of time for your heart rate to even out. Spend time on this - the quickness will come, and you’ll learn to hold that cadence across different paces.

🏃🏻‍♀️ GET SPEEDY! Speed work can come in different forms - it doesn’t always mean hitting the track. Hill repeats, fartleks, pace blocks in varying zones, progression runs, strides, and even quick, short bursts every 5-6 minutes will pay dividends on race day. You have to work your full range to develop it. Simply piling on easy miles will only get you so far.

⛰️ TRAIN FOR YOUR TERRAIN! Got a hilly race coming up? Run hills! Don’t have any near you? Find a treadmill for some incline walks. If your situation is the opposite, find a flat stretch or track to do some of your runs on and consider working in laps to make sure your body is used to mocking the course conditions.

🤨 And, be patient. Often we see huge gains soon after starting run training, and then the progress becomes smaller and/or harder to attain. With the right mix and overall consistency, you will continue to move the needle.