How to handle cold, rainy, windy race days?

This is the time of year we see a lot of extreme temperature swings and some races end up with weather that's way out of the norm. Not too many people love a triathlon in 40-50 degrees, especially when it's rainy. But unless you want to bag all that training and your race fee (and who wants to do that?!) you have to prep yourself on how to show up.
How do you handle those cold, rainy, windy race days?
🧠 Adjust your mindset. Know that some people may not show up at all. Go into it knowing you'll be cold. Full stop - it's going to be uncomfortable. See the race as an opportunity to challenge yourself with the conditions…and dig into preparation.

🏅 Set your expectations. This may NOT be a PR, but it very well could be! Remember that in some conditions you may take longer to warm up in each leg. Don't stress about this in the moment. The race isn't done until you've crossed the line!

🥶 Prepare for cold water - if its wetsuit legal, does the race allow neoprene caps? Booties?  If they don't, sometimes doubling up on swim caps and using earplugs can help the cold be less of a shock. Also, take a little extra time to get warm in the swim.

🤔 Bring options, generally! For example, in t1, sleeves are harder to pull onto wet arms for the bike than a jacket may be. If it's a long course race and a tent is available, consider changing into fully dry clothes for the bike. The time you "lose" in t1 on these may be well worth it to be warmer on the bike.

🧤 Bring gloves for the bike and run. Even if you prefer to be in a kit for the bike and run, keeping your hands warm can be a game changer.

🌧️ If rain is on the list, bring trash bags - several of them. Put your transition bag inside a trash bag, and keep a solid stash of dry and warm clothes in there for after.

⛽️ Stay on top of your fueling. Don’t trick yourself into taking in less because it’s cold!

🚫 Extra coffee is tempting to keep warm…but don’t overdo it, your stomach will not thank you!
 You don't have the dread the cold - these are often a real opportunity to let your mental fitness shine! ✨