Better together

Everything is better together, right? 🤝

While many of us love a pool all to ourselves, there are real advantages to jumping in with others for some or all of your swims!

Whether it’s a friend, a pool buddy, a team, or your local masters group, swimming with others has many advantages.

🙌🏼 Accountability- When you commit to others, you have a higher chance of making it to the pool.
💨 Getting faster-When you swim with a group, you’re more likely to stay on track with your workout, and you’ll push yourself harder, too, especially if there are some faster swimmers in your group.
🏊🏼‍♀️ Holding pace-Swimming, especially circle swimming, with people who are pace compatible, will help you hold onto your paces better, especially on days when you need a bit more of a push.
📝 Workouts-If you go to a masters swim, the workout is written for you!
🎉 FUN-It’s just more fun to work out with others!

There are also times when you may either want to have an easier recovery swim on your own, or, on the other side, really hone in on a workout on your own. It’s great to mix it up - to not be completely reliant on others, and to know that you can give yourself that push when there’s no one there to motivate you!

But for the majority of your swims, meeting some friends or getting involved in your local masters team is a fantastic way to have more fun AND get faster in the water!