How is 2024 going?

January’s over- do you feel like you’re already off track for the new year?

Pssst- change is supposed to be hard! It’s ok if you’ve fallen behind. And, resistance (even your own) is an invitation to persist. Here’s how to get back on track, or, on a new track completely!

Reflect: what was the goal? Was it unreasonable? Too boring? Too big of a change?
Did you have the systems set up to support it?

If the goal was sound, did something in life get in the way? Did you get sick? Hurt? Sideswiped by work? Was returning to life after the holidays more disruptive than you expected?

Don’t beat yourself up over feeling like you missed the mark- Jan. 1 is just a day. You can reset anytime!

Your mindset directly impacts your athletic potential, sometimes more than the training itself. Regardless of when you start, it’s important to keep revisiting your progress to goals and what’s holding you back from doing it better.

Where do you go from where you are?

If it was life that got in the way, give yourself grace. Make steps toward your original intent today. You don’t need a Monday or a first of the month to start over.

Write it down. Leave yourself a note on your bathroom mirror. Tell others. Don’t let yourself forget it.

If the goal was mismatched for you, change it! It should be specific, attainable given your setup and systems, and - it should excite you somehow.

It should lean into/support, not take away from…your training, your family, and your work. Otherwise, the goal just becomes a frustrating distraction!

The winter months are hard and sometimes you need more than one reset to keep going.

Don’t worry about what’s in the rearview mirror- it’s behind you for a reason. Hit that reset button and get going strong again!

(Photo of a pool in the summer to remind you that the winter will, too, be in the rearview before you know it!!)