Top 5 Swimming Tips

Top 5 things you can do to see gains in the water- especially if you’re new to swimming or, re-starting your commitment to the pool!

🧐 Get a form analysis! Have a qualified coach take a look at your stroke - they’ll look at body position and break down each stroke component to find a few things for you to work on that will improve your efficiency in the water. You may get 1-2 things to work on for the first few weeks, then progress to other areas that need attention. These can sometimes be done virtually now if you can get solid video angles, but in person is best for this!

🔝 Train that top end! Work in some fast, short intervals (25’s and 50’s). Over time, that fitness will start to translate down to the longer intervals. Even if you’re training for long course, it’s critical to get in SPEED, not just duration.

⛽️ Fuel. This often gets missed in the water simply because it’s harder to do. Make sure you go into your swim fueled (especially if it’s first thing in the morning!) and have some of your sports drink of choice, and maybe even a gel on deck. Swimming is more dehydrating than you think - make sure you replenish at the end of your workout, too!

🏊🏼‍♀️ Work in one longer swim each week, the same way you’d work in a longer bike or run.

🤝Work with a coach if you don’t already. All of the above will fall into place a lot easier if you have someone in your corner, both helping you grow as an athlete, and programming swims and other workouts that will progress you towards your goals.