How do you best "bust the rust?"

Oh those early season races! With some of the South as an exception, they’re often cold, sometimes rainy AND cold, and often have you questioning if you’re ready to do it all over again!

For some, these are key training races for upcoming long course or A races. For others, they’re a chance to simply put a bookend on off season and get back out there. For all of us, they tend to come with some baggage!

How do you best bust the rust?

🩱 try on your gear…with enough time to make backup plans if it doesn’t fit! IE- don’t struggle into your wetsuit the night before.

😱 don’t panic if it doesn’t fit. Find backups or borrow things. It happens to all of us!

🔧 get your bike in good working order. Ideally, you’d have it tuned up by now, but if you haven’t, check the basics: tire and brake wear, flat kit, tighten up any loose bolts, and please…clean your chain!!

✍️ make a list to pack. Yes, even if you’ve done this 100 times, you’re likely to forget something. Keep this list saved somewhere and refresh it every year as your gear and needs change!

⏰ leave yourself extra time on race morning.

☑️ set up transition, check it twice!

And finally during the race- don’t panic. Don’t worry about others and assume they are more or less ready than you. Most people there are in the same boat! Mind the weather and any pre race talks from race officials and use a little more caution on the bike, for example, if you haven’t gotten outside much.

Last, HAVE FUN! Remember that rust busters are a chance to learn- so if the result isn’t what you wanted, you now have concrete ways to make the next one better.