Hello 2024 & Hello Cold . . .

It’s cold. It’s been cold. And it’s going to keep being cold and probably snowy, too. The only variance in weather you have is that sometimes it’s snowing or sometimes it’s super…SUPER cold.

This doesn’t have to be a bad thing! You can change your training in unique ways and lean into this season.

Snow is strength 💪🏼 and winter won’t last forever! (We promise!)

Here are five 🖐️ things you can do to keep at it when the winter is trying to derail you:

🧤 the obvious: bundle up! Wear layers, and good ones. Sometimes a solid base layer goes farther than a heavy outer. Gloves, hats, neck gaiters, vests, shoe covers on the bike, hand and foot warmers, and if you’re well into the negatives, consider an extra layer on your legs as well (this one often gets skipped!)

🎿 Lean into that snow and try something new! If cross country skiing and snowshoeing are available to you, give it a shot! Winter hiking can also be fun and challenging and a good way to keep time on your feet.

💦 Stay hydrated! Yes, you can still get dehydrated in the cold! If you’re outdoors and your water is freezing, add a little salt. (PS- Don’t skip your nutrition, either!)

🐌 Slow down if you’re outside in sub freezing temps, and level your expectations if you’re doing something outside your norm. There’s plenty of time to obsess over pace and data- see if you can have some fun here instead. Maybe these are the days you meet friends to hold eachother accountable to getting out and sticking to an easy pace.

✅ And if you’re just over it (that’s ok, too) find reliable backups. If you have treadmill access, take it inside. Some places even have indoor tracks to mix it up! If you’re tired of the trainer, find a spin/cycling class - there’s power in people. Approach these with an open mind and find something to enjoy. You can also mix the treadmill with a shorter outdoor run for variety.

Finally, they say “there’s no bad weather, only bad gear". While we mostly believe that, sometimes there actually is bad weather 😬 Stay safe if conditions are not, but don’t stress over the changes you make.