Goodbye 2023 . . .

The new year is almost here, and while you never have to wait for Jan. 1 to make changes to your life or set big goals, inevitably, most people use this time of year to recap the last year, and consider what’s next. It’s easy to get caught up in “fixing” your last year, or trying to top it… or setting big resolutions, and diving into the next trend.

But we want you to:

🤔 Pause

🪞 Reflect

🥅 so you can set intentional, attainable, yet challenging, goals.

As you look back on 2023, consider how your life and your sport intersected, and what the results were. Taking time to reflect will tee you up for success, ensuring that your goals for the next year are exciting and doable!

What are 3 things you changed last year? What were the results of those changes?

What’s one thing you intended to do that you didn’t follow through on? What got in your way?

If you raced, reflect back on your best performance. How did you create your best day?

On the other side, think of your hardest race day. What did you have to overcome, and what did you learn?

What was your biggest success? (This can be work, life, family, social, training…all of it works together!)

What was your most frustrating obstacle to work through and how did you do it?

Who made the biggest impact on you last year, and why?

What’s one great piece of advice you received that you held onto? Tell us in the comments!

Reflect without regrets or judgement, and take some time to consider how last year’s lessons can set you up for your best 2024!