Acknowledge the gap . . .

"There is something powerful and purpose-driven in acknowledging the gap between who we are now and where we'd like to be."

~ Jerry Colonna

With most people who strive and set their bar high, there exists a gap between where we are now and where we want to be.

Looking into the gap it is easy to get discouraged. You see all of the work, sacrifice, and trust required to get to where you'd like to go. You give yourself reasons why it's too risky to try.

When you explore the gap, it is messy and you might fail. You will trudge through rugged terrain, faced with your weakness and you will never be fully prepared.

➡️ This is a normal part of the process of bettering yourself.

But once you fully connect to that and then commit to it, there is great power and purpose in all you do. Every choice, every action is viewed through the filter of bridging the gap.

End of year asks us to set big, audacious goals. These are the thoughts you cannot shake, the whisper in your mind that won't be hushed. A 'crazy idea' that you have yet verbalized.

It's easy to ignore those amidst our inner critic and the noise of our daily life. Yet rather than looking for reasons why you should not set the goal, answer instead what if? What would it look it? How would you feel? Why not me?

As you look ahead to 2024, set goals that ask you to look into the gap. Goals you're not quite sure you can clear but feel are worth the leap. Goals that align with your purpose and light a fire under your feet.

As long as you are willing to acknowledge the gap and then work to bridge it, it's worth the risk, time, and effort.