Lynn Rogers

“I first decided to work with Jenny in a hospital bed.  I had been a marathoner and triathlete for years, following internet plans I'd tweak based on my own needs and experience.  It was a process I enjoyed, but was undeniably time consuming.  When a neurological autoimmune disease struck without warning and left me paralyzed, I knew building every aspect of my life back was going to take tremendous time and effort.  Getting back to the athletic life I love was a top priority, and I turned to Jenny to create a plan to make it happen.

We started from where I was at hospital discharge - 3.5 months after I arrived - frail and unsteady, using forearm crutches to walk.  Jenny added a plan for indoor biking and swimming that supplemented the assisted treadmill running I was doing in physical therapy, and the strength work I enjoy at Crossfit.  Consistency has been our watch word, and she adjusted the plan constantly to account for both achievements and setbacks.  Six months after I left the hospital I ran the Shamrock Shuffle, and 11 months after discharge I ran my 11th Bank of America Chicago Marathon.  Both races were phenomenal experiences, the kind you can only have when you are properly trained and prepared.  I blew away our time goals for both races, and did so with an unyielding smile plastered to my face throughout.

Mine is a chronic, progressive disease, so sadly the fight doesn't end with that Chicago Marathon finish line.  I didn't move forward from there "cured' and always getting better.  Each month - frankly, each week - has significant ups and downs, which constantly impact what I am able to do on a given day, and able to achieve in a given training cycle.  Jenny adjusts through it all - and cheers me on throughout.  I receive supportive emails for the smallest accomplishments, and reminders to keep my eye on the most important things: joy in movement, and consistent effort.  She stays with me in the quest to achieve the next crazy goal.  We've made it through mountainous, multi-day trail ultras on the heels of a horrible stretch of relapses.  When I put forward my desire to return to 70.3 and 140.6 distance tris, she doesn't bat an eye.

Jenny isn't just here to be your coach on the good days.  She works with you, with your life and your challenges and your fears and your dreams.  She is a true partner through it all.  I am beyond grateful to have her in my life as both a coach and a friend.”

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