Megan James

“I have been working with Jen Harrison for 9 years. Jen has coached me to many podiums including an Olympic distance National championship, and World Championship silver medal.

I started working with Jen when my kids were young and I really needed the accountability of a coach and someone to help me figure out what workouts to prioritize with the amount of training time I had available. Over the years Jen has been great at pushing me in workouts – about once a month I email her “I would NOT have done that on my own”. She also encourages me to step back when I start to get run down – just last week I was starting to feel sick and she had me take a day off and assured my that was the right thing to do.

Jen takes great care to schedule my workouts around my work and family obligations. I tell her my constraints (master is only on Mon/Fri, I have early work meetings on Wed, I am traveling next Tuesday etc), and she plans my training schedule around that. I love that she makes the training work around my schedule instead of me having to figure out how to fit the training in.

Over the years she’s adjusted my training as my body and goals have changed. I find it really helpful that we are a similar age so she truly understands how my body is “maturing”.

MSM-JHC is very plugged into the larger triathlon world which is great for someone like me who loves the sport but is pretty isolated from the larger triathlon work most of the year. The merging of MSM and JHC has also been great in making so many more resources available to me and creating a fun community of like minded triathletes.”