Kathryn Flodquist

“Since starting with Liz in July of 2011 I’ve focused on racing everything from a fast sprint to an Ironman PR. I’ve also aged from my early 40s into my 50s. Liz has helped me to accept the change in my abilities that comes with age, while at the same time challenging me to be the best athlete I can be. I’ve never felt the need to look for another coach because the training is always evolving. If something is working then we keep doing similar types of things and if it’s not then she asks for my input and we make changes. In the almost 9 years of working together I’m pretty sure I’ve never done the same swim workout twice!  Liz has provided me with knowledge on being healthy, developing mental strength, racing well and being accountable for my own success. The focus and confidence I’ve developed as a result have improved areas of my life beyond racing. I’m definitely a fan!”

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