Julia Weisbecker

“I have been a part of JHC for over a decade! I first met Jen from her blog and at the time was still playing competitive tennis and was also a novice bike racer. I had done a triathlon in my 20’s but was interested in getting into the sport more seriously. I was impressed with Jen as she answered a lot of questions from a cold call (email!) as I was going to do a duathlon on minimal training. Take home is I knew Jen would be a good, responsive coach for me! Fast-forward a few years. I left Jen for a season because I wanted to see what else was out there. It was a good learning experience for me but there is a reason I am now back with her.

  1. Jen gets life. She gets that while you may be 100% devoted to this hobby, IT IS A HOBBY. And we all have lives. Lives can get messy whether it is kids, aging parents, jobs, and relationships. Jen gets it and does a great job working with your life.

  2. I am very type A and also my own toughest critic. Does that sound like anyone else we know? So what I need is for someone to tell me its ok to take a day off or its ok to not WIN EVERY WORKOUT. Jen will push you but she will also save you from yourself and get the most out of you when it counts…a race!

  3. Starting triathlon as a 43 year old I thought nothing of my age. Now that I will be 54 this April I need a coach that gets that I am not in my 40s anymore. I am lucky that Jen understands first hand how to work with the aging female athlete. Even if we don’t think we are aging.

  4. Lastly, I love the people that Jen coaches. It’s like a family. I think who you surround yourself with, even on social media, can make or break your love and dedication to the sport. I often wish I lived in Chicago so I could join in the team gatherings and workouts. But Minnesota will have to do.

Working with Jen has been a lot of fun, a lot of hard work, but mainly it’s been a great honor to race knowing I am ready. I know that I have done my part and followed her plan, and its up to me to get after it and race. Jen cant win the race for you but she will do her best to help you learn your limits so that you can do your very best and reach any goal you may have.”