Rather than ignore your weakest sport, why not lean into it?

Wanna finish stronger & NOT dread a whole sport week after week, race after race? Do you focus on your weak sport? Or do you tell yourself something like…
"Ohhh I hate the bike. I do it once a week to keep up but I'm such a strong swimmer and runner it'll all even out."
"I'm SUCH a slow runner. So I swim and bike as hard as I can and just try to finish."
Rather than ignore your weakest sport, why not lean into it?
Sometimes focusing in multisport training can feel like a game of whack-a-mole, but if you work with a coach to create a plan that focuses on your weak sport without leaving the others behind, you can uplift your entire race game.

How great would it be to get excited about your weak leg of a race, instead of dreading it? If you're a long course athlete, you know you can end up spending a LOT of time on race day mad at that leg if that's how you enter it!
One of the biggest things that focusing does is change our mindset.
Focus also helps us remove limiting beliefs - if you work on swimming faster, you may just prove to yourself you aren't destined to be a slow swimmer forever.
The easiest way to start to build focus on one sport is to increase frequency. Start small and manageable; add 1-2 more days per week.
Varying the workouts, or committing to a progression within that sport, is another. If you're trying to increase your FTP to get stronger on the bike, you likely need to spend a bit more time indoors focusing on specificity.
Celebrate the small wins. In the water, shaving off just 1-2s/100 is worth celebrating. Knocking 1 minute off your 5k time is worth getting excited about. As is, finally pushing that FTP needle up by 5 watts! These little victories all give us a little more gas in the tank to stay committed.
And finally, keep it fun. It's ok to still vary your workouts inside and out as long as specificity is also there. Maybe sign up for an event for that single sport, like a 10k, a bike race, or an open water swim, that will give you something to look forward to - you may end up even falling in love with it!

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