Maxine Franck-Palmer & Jeff Palmer

 From Jeff:

“Maxine and I have been affiliated with the JHC team as coached athletes for some time now (9 years for Maxine and 4 years for me). Coach Jen has guided us through all kinds of adventures from marathons, swim meets, and all distances of triathlon including Ironman races.  We’ve been though most iterations of the amateur athlete lifestyle  from the high performance-high achieving, all out racing athletes to the laid-back “enjoy your journey” participants.  Coach Jen has been there supporting us throughout the different stages of our journey. She has always crafted the perfect training plans for each of our unique race and life goals.  

For us, it was important to have a coach that understood our desires to find balance between work, family and training for goal races.  This balance is in a constant state of flux.  Injury, stresses, life events and fatigue are constant threats to this balance.  Coach Jen has expertly navigated us through all these challenges and has always put together training and racing plans that worked for us.  We think one of the secrets to her success is she is very much like a lot of her athletes trying to juggle the same balls of family, work and training herself.  

So, if you desire a coach who is understanding of what it takes to guide the full spectrum of athletes from Kona to Boston Marathon qualifiers, to first timers running a 5K Turkey Trot, you should seek out Coach Jen Harrison.  If you need a coach who believes in two-way communication with their athletes when formulating training and racing plans, she is your person.  If you need a coach with years of experience and can get you through the training and racing as safely and successfully as possible, you need  Coach Jen Harrison in your corner.  

Good luck with your races, enjoy the journey and if you need a guide, talk to Jen!”

From Maxine:

“A long time ago, after starting on the triathlon path, I made the scary decision to do an Ironman race.  I’d done lots of other races, but the full 140.6 was intimidating, daunting and a little crazy as goals went. Self-coaching, or using a cookie cutter plan is not wise and a recipe for disaster, so started coach hunting.  I talked to several good people all with excellent credentials and reputation, looking for someone who understood work-life balance, had experience as both an athlete and coach, and knows that long distance racing/training can be a mental game.  Jen Harrison was simply the best and have always been grateful for having her in my life.  

She later became my husband’s coach as well and we have been with her over 13 years combined.  She taught us how to trust the training and how to really race. We went from middle of the pack athletes to winning our age groups, qualifying and racing the Boston Marathon, finishing multiple Ironman races, and earning All World Athlete status.  Jen listens, is great with communication, keeps you accountable and challenges you.  We also love the community of friends and fellow athletes that work with her.  People that are crazy smart, wicked funny, and uplifting to others.  Thank you Jen for all you do!”

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